December 30, 2008

Martina Thompson: removed

Dear blogger,
i was just informed by the dumb ppl at flvs that i was removed from my spanish course!!! man oh man does that make my day soooo much better...NOT! ok so maybe its not the flvs ppl's fault that i was removed and i guess i could have just checked in a few times in the past 3months but come on. dads gonna kill me, so is coach. after our little talk that day after school, she was convinced that a miracle might happen and i'll be able to play softball this years. now its hopeless, i'm hopeless. i don't get it. i've been struggling with my grades my whole high school career. i know i'm lazy but come on you would think i would have learned after not being able to play softball for two years and being kicked out of what i thought was the best school. maybe i do have add of adhd after all, who knows. i always do way better the second semester then i get everyone in my face saying "Martina! why couldn't you do that the first term then you could be playing softball" i was thinking the other day, maybe softball isn't my calling. maybe god has another plan for me because that whole "you gotta reach the bottom before you can reach the top" really isn't working. rock bottom is an understatement for me right now. i'm struggling for a 2.o right now. a fucking 2.o!!! thats so pathetic. theres no way i'll be able to go to college next year unless i get like straight A's from here on out but we all know how likely i am of getting atleast 3 A's on a report card let alone 7. looks like i'll be stuck going to cc for two years just like everybody else. woopdy doo!