March 13, 2009

i'm so over devin...

..i just can't get him off my mind :(

i've repeated "i'm over it" about five times today. i didn't lie about it, i was over him...for about 5minutes. today i rode his bus and he totally flirted w/ some chick nadine or sum shit like that and i was like w/e like it didn't bother all. i don't mean to sound like a cocky son of a bitch but i was damn proud of myself. then BAM! it hit me smack dab i the face...that stupid little green eyed monster thats been following me for the past 3months. before i knew it, i was lookin up nadine on myspace not knowing exactly what i was in search of but so far into it that i couldn't stop. i hate devin. like w/ a passion. he has me on this sick rollercoaster. i'm sry but he's one cocky son of a bitch. he knows what hes doing. he knows how to make me say yes to something or how to make me change how i feel about him. i don't get it...i havn't thought about him as much as i've thought about him in the past 8hours in like weeks. the day i think i'm finally over the jerk, is the day i have the biggest devin fest in my head. ITS ONLY FRIDAY NIGHT!!! its goint to be a really long weekend :(